My name is Sandi Ford, and I have been passionate about Keeshonden since owning my first Keeshond, Bailey, in 2002 during my years living in Australia.
Originally from the UK, I am now settled in Sheboygan, WI, on 30 acres of beautiful wooded acreage and paddocks with my family and dogs. Our home is chaotic but there is never a shortage of something to snuggle!
Our dogs aren’t just our family pets, they have also made their mark in a competitive arena; I attend AKC and UKC conformation events, agility trials, barn hunt, Fast CAT, and also keep the dogs (and kids!) active and happy with swimming, camping trips, pontooning and runs through the forest.
Age permitting, they have had health tests completed for hips, knees, elbows, eyes and heart and are PHPT Neg. (Tested or by descent).
I am a board member and committee chair of KCA (Keeshond Club of America) and a member of KFCS (Keeshond Fanciers of the Central States) and The Keeshond Club of the UK.
I have been honored to judge Sweepstakes at a Keeshond specialty.
I am also an AKC Breeder of Merit, a member of the AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T initiative and am listed as 'Excellent' on the Good Dog Breeder website.
I have a particular interest in the history of the Keeshond, you can view my fun/project website here:
Peregrine Keeshond has produced show dogs with group wins and specialty wins, multiple Champions, Agility Invitational Qualifiers, Nan Greenwood Medallion Recipients, FAST CAT Invitational Qualifiers, Registered Therapy Dogs, and of course, great companions!
Keeshonden are, simply put, the perfect family pets!
If you are looking for a fun, active companion that will happily and willingly take on the world (as long as it's with you) yet also be equally as content being a couch potato (again, with you), they may be right for you.
Keeshonden love kids and being with their people, doing whatever their people are doing.
They are silly, funny, active and full of personality. There is never a dull moment!
They do not like to be left alone and are often termed 'velcro dogs'. They can also be a more vocal breed.
Keeshonden can be found excelling in many avenues - therapy, agility, scentwork, service, obedience and most of all, companions!
To learn more about this wonderful breed, visit the
This is Bailey, my first Keeshond bred by Kaye O'Connell in Adelaide, Australia, in 2002.
Bailey was purchased somewhat on impulse - I loved the look of Spitz breeds, but I wanted something easier to manage than the Siberian Husky I already owned.
Bailey was purchased largely to keep my Husky company in a last ditch attempt to stop his boredom and destruction, but she was simply just the best companion I could have asked for and when my love affair with the breed began!
All Rights Reserved Sandi Ford
Site by Neon Sky